
Uniform Information

School Uniform

It’s important to turn up to school feeling that you belong and looking ready to learn. Our school uniform does exactly that. It makes our children look smart and provides an identity as a member of our education community.

If you have any questions you can find out about more our uniform by contacting the school office. View our school office contact details below.

School Office number: 01405 704264

Email: reedness.primary@eastriding.gov.uk

Uniform Swap Shop

Our Friends of Reedness School team run a free Uniform Swap Shop. Should you ever need any items of uniform, simply get in touch with us or visit any of our school events and pick up everything you need. We have a huge range of branded items including jumpers and polo shirts, trousers, skirts, shorts and dresses. 

All items are free to take as and when you need them. We also welcome donations of school uniform, simply drop into the school reception any time.

Uniform can be generic and bought from a range of school supplies including major supermarkets or branded. 

Branded uniform can be bought from The Uniform Shop in Goole.


Grey/Black Trousers or Shorts

Royal Blue Sweatshirt 

White Shirt or Polo Shirt  


Grey/black Skirt or Trousers

Royal Blue Sweatshirt/Cardigan 

White/Pale Blue Blouse or Polo Shirt 

In summer girls may wear blue checked dresses


Sensible and Safe footwear


Suitable outdoor coats and accessories such as a hat and gloves. 

Sunhats are encouraged in summer


Children may wear watches, stud earrings and items of religious significance 

All Jewellery must be removed for PE 

PE Kit

Black shorts (no shiny Lycra cycle shorts as they are unsafe for gym apparatus)

White PE shirt 

Trainers for outdoor activities (bare feet for PE in the Hall)

Tracksuits may be worn outside in cold weather 

Thank you for visiting our website

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. If you would like to talk to us about our wonderful school, please get in touch.