At Reedness Primary School, we believe that the children are at the heart of our curriculum.
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to develop and build their self-esteem and self- confidence.
We encourage our children to have high aspirations and strive for the best. We want our children to be responsible and independent by the time they finish their journey at Reedness Primary School and move onto the next phase of their lives.
Although the curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, there are other planned opportunities that make up the wider curriculum. . We strive to encompass as many curriculum subjects into each topic, making them relevant and meaningful for our children.
National Curriculum
When the National Curriculum was introduced, it was done so with a great deal of fresh content and ambitious expectations of learning. It was designed to provide children with the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that they require to be successful citizens of Great Britain.
With the introduction of a new curriculum, children are now assessed as being below Age Related Expectations, at Age Related Expectations or above Age Related Expectations. The children are assessed in school all of the time to ensure progress is being made. They are however assessed for Government records at the end of the Foundation Stage Year, in Phonics at Year 1, at the end of Year 2, timetables in Year 4 and in the end of Key Stage SATs in Year 6.