
  • We are Reedness

Learning & Growing Together

We are Reedness Primary School

A village school with a huge heart!

Our school is not just a place to learn facts and figures but a place to develop as a person, develop as a learner, develop emotionally, socially, physically and mentally and be a place where your child will grow and flourish in all areas of their education. 

About Us

We are an intimate village primary school devoted to giving children a rounded education. An education that involves cooking, gardening, learning outdoors, sports, dance, drama, computing and has a real emphasis on family and the local community. 

Our school is a big family, we play together, we learn together, we have fun together. Our children develop and are nurtured by our older children and the experiences that each other can offer within our spacious school grounds. Our family extends into the community through our parents, carers, governors and Friends of Reedness Primary, to give our children a sense of belonging. 

Why Choose Reedness Primary

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to maximise learning opportunities in all areas by creating inclusive, inquisitive and engaging learners whilst also creating rounded individuals who have a breadth of knowledge about the world. Topics engage children across a wide range of subjects and areas.

Our focus on wellness

The wellbeing of our whole school community is vital. We focus on all aspects of their wellbeing and invest heavily in the culture of our children. This ensures that they turn into inquisitive and engaged learners as they progress through our school.

family & community

Our school is a big family which extends far and wide into the community. Our community initiatives, such as our weekly pop-up café, village litter picking sessions and community school events, help to give our children a sense of belonging.

wraparound Care

We have a wonderful Breakfast and After School clubs that look after the needs of both children and parents alike. Our FREE Breakfast club offers a wide range of breakfast options that give children the best start to their day. After school club provides a range of activities.

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What our children think...

"It's a great little school with lots of things to do and a lot of freedom to be creative"
Lucy M
"It is a great school and I love it here"
Joshua B
"I love my school. I have great friends and my teachers are brilliant"
Jack G

Find out more...

You can use our quick links below to view more about our school and our values.



Click to view our of Admissions information.


Our Curriculum

Click to view our Curriculum.


Ofsted Information

Click to view our latest Ofsted Report



Click to view our Safeguarding information.

Wellness Wednesday

The wellbeing of our whole school community is vital to us and therefore Wednesday is the most important day of the week for our school. We dedicate the whole day to the wellbeing of the children who come to our school. Our focus is on their emotional, social, physical and mental health. With activities taking place such as Music, P.E, Cooking, D.T, R.E, Art and PSCHE. 

We invest heavily in the culture of our children to ensure that they turn into inquisitive and engaged learners as they progress through our school. 


What our parents think...

"Lessons are varied, not just sit down with a pen and paper. The children are taught manners and values. My child has always been happy at this school "
G Tomlinson
"My child has been allowed and encouraged to become their own person. They have been treated with respect by everyone"
"We haven't been at school long but the school and teachers are amazing. Always quick to sort issues out. Friendly, welcoming and approachable"

Important Info for parents

Use the quick links below to fine out more about our school


Lunch Menu

We offer a range of hot dinners including vegetarian options. All meals are served with vegetables and a desert.


Uniform Information

It is important to turn up to school feeling that you belong and look ready to learn, and our school uniform does exactly that!


Terms Dates & Events

A comprehensive list of our term dates and special dates for your diary.


Wraparound Care

We have incredible wraparound care options to support pupils and parents before and after school

Want to join us?

Contact the office today to talk to us about enrolling your child in our beautiful village school. We take admissions all year round and we’ll be more than happy to discuss any requirements you have. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, family orientated school and would love for you to come and join our us. 

Feel free to get in touch with us by phone or email – we look forward welcoming you to Reedness. 
