


• For children to gain the knowledge and skills required to stay healthy, happy and safe, and thrive in their futures
• To develop pupils’ confidence, resilience, and self-esteem, and their ability to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions.
• To support children developing the essential skills for future employability and achieving economic wellbeing
• Support children in developing the capacity to be active and effective global citizens now and in their future
• To provide a safe and happy learning environment where children can express themselves freely
• For pupils to be encouraged to talk openly about their mental health and access support as and when required

• We follow the You, Me, PSHE scheme of work – a clear, comprehensive and progressive curriculum working in line with the National Curriculum which includes opportunities to links to BV and SMSC
• Typically, PSHE topics will be taught as weekly discrete sessions over a period of a half term, however this may be in blocks where appropriate so that we can best meet the children’s needs.
• Whole school, Key Stage and class assemblies always make a link to PSHE, British Values, Rights and SMSC
• Whole school ‘Wellness Wednesday’ promotes well being physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
• All lesson now begin with sharing of Ground Rules for PSHE – these rules are consistent in all year groups

• Children recognise the importance of personal attributes in gaining employment and financial stability
• Children have high aspirations for their current next steps futures
• Children can identify the features of a healthy relationship
• Floor books are beginning to demonstrate the progression of knowledge, skills and understanding.
• Children are demonstrating an understanding of ‘wellness’ and when they should seek support
• Children contribute positively to our local community
• Children have a healthy outlook towards school.

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