British Values

British Values

All schools are required by law to teach a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral and cultural development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.  Publicly funded schools are required to promote community cohesion.

The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy; Government guidance was also updated in July 2015. The DfE has recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

At Reedness Primary School we work hard to ensure these values are firmly embedded in our school culture and are reinforced regularly.


At Reedness Primary School our team assemblies act as our School Council. Matters affecting the school are raised and discussed by each team. Two members from each team (one from class 1 and one from Class 2) are elected as representatives of the School Council. These representatives meet with the Headteacher to discuss matters raised by the team assemblies and matters affecting the whole school.

Within our creative curriculum our children are taught about and encouraged to respect public institutions. The school hosts visitors from the local community and we visit places in our local area such as St Margaret’s Church in Whitgift and All Saints Church, Adlingfleet.

The Rule of Law

At Reedness Primary School the importance of laws are held in high regard. This includes both those that govern our classrooms and school life or our country.

In each class, our children are all included in the decision making process to draw up class rules. These rules enable our children to work together effectively. We teach the values and reasons behind our school rules, help children understand their roles and responsibilities in keeping our rules and the consequences when rules are broken.

Individual Liberty

Reedness Primary School does not tolerate bullying in any form and we promote a strict and robust anti-bullying culture. The nature of our small school leans we know all the children very well and any issues can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

Our positive behaviour strategy is used and enforced by all adults in our school and our behaviour and discipline policy is regularly reviewed and updated. This allows our children to feel safe and secure at school.

We encourage children to make individual choices and aim to give them the right and power to act, behave or express themselves in a manner of their own choosing. At school we demonstrate this through our e-safety and PSHE&C.

Respect and Tolerance

Our school ethos embraces mutual respect and children are actively taught that their behaviours can affect their own rights and those of others. Our entire school community understands that all members are expected to treat each other with respect.

Reedness Primary School regularly visits the local village church for Christmas, Harvest and occasions throughout the year. We are lucky to welcome a variety of visitors from a range of communities and organisations into school.

All children in school actively become involved in supporting a variety of charities throughout the school year. At Reedness we support Children in Need, Save the Children, Comic Relief and Macmillan Cancer Support.

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