The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.
Its responsibility include but are not limited to:
- Setting targets for pupil achievement
- Managing the school’s finances
- Making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
- Appointing staff
- Reviewing staff performance and pay
Aims and role
The Governors’ aim is to support the Head Teacher in the day-today running of the school. They are ultimately responsible for the school and are active in the areas of Curriculum, Finance, Health and Safety, Premises and Staffing. They meet each term for a full Governors’ meeting and once a term in committee. Each Governor is attached to a particular area of the curriculum and visits the School once to a term to discuss their area of responsibility, in addition to this each member of the Governing Body spends at least one morning a year in school, visiting classes and observing break and lunch times.